
/ Research, Studies
Clustered catalytic nanocompartments article highlighted in CHIMIA as interesting publication of swiss origin!
Our Chemical Science article on clustered catalytic nanocompartments with an extracellular non-native cascade reaction was highlighted in CHIMIA as being an interesting publication of Swiss origin./ Research, Organizational Unit, Info
New PostDoc position available!
New PostDoc position available ("Development of Active Surfaces for Biosensing Applications"). Find the job description here:Welcome to our new group member, Rémy!
Rémy Cochereau started a postdoc position in our group and will be working on "Development of molecular factories based on microfluidics technology". Welcome!/ Research, People, Info
‘Nanotechnology is the medicine of the future’ - Read the interview with Prof. Cornelia Palivan on Swissinfo
Prof. Cornelia Palivan was interviewed by swissinfo to talk about future perspectives of nanotechnology in medicine and other areas. Read the interesting interview here./ Research, People
Welcome to our new group member, Olivia!
Olivia Eggenberger started a postdoc position in our group and will be working on "Microfluidic devices for GUV generation and membrane protein insertion". Welcome!/ Doctorate/PhD, Events
Lukas won a poster prize at SCS Fall meeting for the best poster in the physical chemistry session. Congratulations!

/ Events
Group Retreat 2021
The Palivan/Meier Group enjoyed this year's group retreat in Brienz. We are sad that the three days passed by so quickly.Viviane Leopold, a Master Student in Chemistry, joined the Palivan group under the supervision of Viviana Maffeis for a Wahlpraktikum
We wish her a good time in our group with useful experiences for her further studies!/ Research, Studies, People
Jin Ren joins for a Wahlpraktikum in cooperation with the Meier group
We wish her a good time in our group with useful experiences for her further studies!/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Shabnam successfully defended her PhD Thesis - Congratulations
In an inspiring presentation with the title 'Rational Design and Development of Purely Peptidic Amphiphiles for Gene Delivery', Shabnam gave us insight into the great research she did in the past four years. Both the Palivan and Meier…/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Luisa successfully defended her PhD Thesis - Congratulations
Luisa presented her great results of the last four years with the title 'Biomimicking and bioactive compartments: from nanoscale to microscale vesicles'. The whole Palivan & Meier research groups wish her all the best for her future./ Research, Studies, People
Theresa Emt joins our group for a Wahlpraktikum
She will be supervised by Lukas Heuberger and work in a project related with double-emulsion templated GUVs produced by microfluidics. We are happy to welcome her in our group and wish her a good time and lots of useful experiences for her…/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Claire successfully defended her PhD Thesis - Congratulations
In an outstanding presentation with the title 'Catalytic bio-hybrid polymersomes: towards novel biomedical applications', Claire impressed us with her results of the last four years. The whole Palivan & Meier research groups wish her all…/ Research, Doctorate/PhD, People
Prize for Shabnam at SNI PHD startup
Shabnam received a prize at the first SNI PHD startup challenge. Congratulations!/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD, People
Piotr Jasko joins the group as PhD student - Welcome!
/ Research, People
Dr. Daniel Messmer joins the group as a new postdoc - Welcome Daniel!

Bioactive nano-capsules to hijack cell behavior
Many diseases are caused by defects in signaling pathways of body cells. In the future, bioactive nanocapsules could become a valuable tool for medicine to control these pathways. Researchers from the University of Basel have taken an…Claire wins the SCS award for the best oral presentation - Congratulations!
With her talk about theranostic nanoassemblies as new treatment strategy against atherosclerosis, Claire was awarded with the price for the best oral presentation in the field of Polymers, Colloids & Interfaces at the Fall Meeting of the…