

/ Research

How Natural Channel Proteins Move in Artificial Membranes

Natural channel proteins are integrated into artificial membranes to facilitate the transport of ions and molecules. Researchers at the University of Basel have now been able to measure the movement of these channel proteins for the first…

/ Research

Nanotechnology Against Malaria Parasites

Malaria parasites invade human red blood cells, they then disrupt them and infect others. Researchers at the University of Basel and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute have now developed so-called nanomimics of host cell…

/ Research

Natürliches Kanalprotein in künstliche Membran eingebaut (in German only)

Künstliche Membranen eignen sich gut, um grundlegender Prinzipien lebender Systeme modellhaft zu untersuchen. Forschern der Universität Basel ist es nun erstmals gelungen, ein natürliches Kanalprotein in eine synthetische…

/ Research

Artificial Organelles Transform Free Radicals into Water and Oxygen

Researchers at the University of Basel have successfully developed artificial organelles that are able to support the reduction of toxic oxygen compounds. This opens up new ways in the development of novel drugs that can influence…

/ Research

Gezielte Freisetzung von Antibiotika mit Nanoreaktoren (German only)

Chemiker der Universität Basel haben winzige Nanokugeln entwickelt, die das häufig eingesetzte Antibiotikum Cephalexin herstellen und lokal freisetzen können. Wenn es gelingt, solche Nanoreaktoren in medizinische Implantate einzubauen,…