Daela Milinkovic joined the Palivan group for her Master Thesis

Daela Milinkovic joined the Palivan group for her Wahlpraktikum and is continuing on with her Master's Thesis in our group.

In her Wahlpraktikum, Daela worked on the synthesis and self-assembly of peptide in order to develop peptide-based nanoparticles co-loaded with oligonucleotides and photosensitizers. The peptide was synthesized using the solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) method and the nanoparticle self-assembly was investigated under different reaction conditions. After nanoparticle production, their physicochemical characteristics were studied using different techniques. After finishing her Wahlpraktikum in December 2022, Daela decided to do her master thesis and she will work on native-artificial GUV bio-hybrids.