/ Research, People
Christina's article is published in PNAS
Overall impact: New strategy to produce nanocompartments that target nuclei and pass through the nuclear pore complex
- Christina's article "Organelle-specific targeting of polymersomes into the cell nucleus" in PNAS (published online 27.01.2020))
- Article in Uni News (27.01.2020, in English)
- Article in Uni News (27.01.2020, in German)
- Der Standard: Forscher entwickelten Nanocontainer, die in Zellkerne eindringen (03.02.2020, in German)
- Innovations-Report: Nanocontainer in den Kern von lebenden Zellen eingeschleust (28.01.2020, in German)
- Nano Werk: Nanocontainers introduced into the nucleus of living cells (27.01.2020)
- Focus Online :Mit Nanocontainern in den Zellkern (27.02.2020, in German)
- EurekAlert: Nanocontainers introduced into the nucleus of living cells (27.01.2020)
- Bionity.com: Nanocontainers introduced into the nucleus of living cells (27.01.2020)
- APA: Forschende entwickelten Nanocontainer als Vehikel für Therapien (27.01.2020)
- Physorg: Nanocontainers introduced into the nucleus of living cells (27.01.2020)
- Wissenschaft.de: Mit Nanocontainern in den Zellkern (27.01.2020, in German)