
Piotr Jasko

General Information

Department of Chemistry
University of Basel
Mattenstrasse 24a, BPR-1096
4058 Basel, Switzerland

phone: +41 61 207 38 32
email: piotr.jasko@clutterunibas.ch


Developing artificial systems based on polymeric compartments

Biophysical investigation of bacterial toxin component in lipidic membrane fusion - PD Dr. Richard Kammerer (PSI)

Establishing novel frontiers in giant plasma membrane vesicles (GPMVs) applicationProf. Dr. med. Stephanie Gros (UKBB)

The projects are conducted under the umbrella of the Swiss Nanoscience Institute. 


Research Experience

  • 03.2021 - present: PhD student

    University of Basel – Department of Chemistry
    Paul Scherrer Institut – Laboratory of Biomolecular Research

    UKBB – Group of Molecular Therapeutic Strategies in Pediatric Surgery

  • 2020: ERASMUS+ Intern/Research associate
    Technical University of Munich, Germany
    Bavarian NMR Center at the Dep. of Chemistry
    Lab of Structural Membrane Biochemistry
  • 04.2018 - 09.2018: ERASMUS+ Intern
    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
    Pharmaceutical Institute
    Department of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry
  • 01.2018 - 03.2018: Intern
    University Hospital of Munich, Germany
    Department of Medicine III
    Experimental Leukemia and Lymphoma Research Group (ELLF)


Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum in Krakow, Poland
Faculty of Pharmacy
Medical Analytics (MSc)
Thesis in pharmacodynamics: Cardiovascular safety assessment of (R)-KA-104 compound


Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland
Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology
Biochemistry (BSc)
Thesis in physical biochemistry: Cell membrane models based on nanodisc systems

  • Erasmus+
    Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Germany
    Faculty of Biology
    Biology/Biochemistry (BSc)


A coiled-coil-based design strategy for the thermostabilization of G-protein-coupled receptors [link]
M. Amer, O. Leka, P. Jasko, D. Frey, X. Li, R. A. Kammerer
Sci Rep 2023; 13, 10159 doi:10.1038/s41598-023-36855-1

Advances in Biohybridized Planar Polymer Membranes and Membrane-Like Matrices [link]
O. M. Eggenberger, P. Jaśko, S. Tarvirdipour, C.-A. Schoenenberger, C. G. Palivan
Helv. Chim. Acta 2023, e202200164 doi:10.1002/hlca.202200164

8-Benzylaminoxanthine scaffold variations for selective ligands acting on adenosine A2A receptors.Design, synthesis and biological evaluation [link]
M. Załuski, J. Schabikowski, P. Jaśko, A. Bryła, A. Olejarz-Maciej, M. Kaleta, M. Głuch-Lutwin, A. Brockmann, S. Hinz, M. Zygmunt, K. Kuder, G. Latacz, C. Vielmuth, C.E. Müller, K. Kieć-Kononowicz
Bioorg Chem 2020;101:104033 doi:10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.104033

Novel, dual target-directed annelated xanthine derivatives acting onadenosine receptors and monoamine oxidase B [link]
K. J. Kuder, M. Załuski, J. Schabikowski, G. Latacz, A. Olejarz-Maciej, P. Jaśko, A. Doroz-Płonka, A. Brockmann, C. E. Müller, K. Kieć-Kononowicz.
ChemMedChem 2020;15(9):772-786 doi:10.1002/cmdc.201900717