Maryame Bina
General Information
Department of Chemistry
University of Basel
Mattenstrasse 24a, BPR-1096
4058 Basel, Switzerland
phone: +41 61 207 10 34
email: maryame.bina@clutterunibas.ch
Planar synthetic membranes with mixed morphology
Research project on "Formulation of chemically crosslinked hyaluronic acid based hydrogels for biomimetic composites" at EPFL, Switzerland (2019).
M.Sc. in Materials and Nanosciences at UHA, France (2017-2018). Thesis on "Elaboration of glass fibers reinforced polypropylene composites".
M.Sc. in Macromolecular Chemistry and Photochemistry at UHA, France (2015-2017). Thesis on "Elaboration of multilayer cross-linkable adhesives".
Multicomponent Copolymer Planar Membranes with Nanoscale Domain Separation
M. Bina, A. Krywko-Cendrowska, D. Daubian, W. Meier, C. G. Palivan,
Nano Letters, 2022
Recent Advances in Hybrid Biomimetic Polymer-Based Films: from Assembly to Applications
A. Krywko-Cendrowska, S. di Leone, M. Bina, S. Yorulmaz-Avsar, C. G. Palivan, W. Meier,
Polymers, 2020