
Dr. Alessandro Angelini

General Information

Department of Chemistry
University of Basel
Mattenstrasse 24a, BPR-1096
4058 Basel, Switzerland

phone: +41 61 207 57 93
email: alessandro.angelini@clutterunibas.ch


Fabrication and investigation of pervaporation membranes for bioethanol production


PhD in Chemistry at the University of Basel, Switzerland (2018-2022) on Nanostructured pervaporation membranes for bioethanol dehydration.

M.Sc. in Materials and Nanosciences at UHA, France (2016-2018).


Amphiphilic Poly(vinyl alcohol) Membranes Leaving Out Chemical Cross-Linkers: Design, Synthesis, and Function of Tailor-Made Poly(vinyl alcohol)-b-poly(styrene) Copolymers
A., Angelini, A., Car, I.A., Dinu, L., Leva, and W., Yave, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2023

Synthesis and characterization of tailor-made N-vinylpyrrolidone copolymers and their blend membranes with polyvinyl alcohol for bioethanol dehydration by pervaporation
A. Angelini, C. Fodor, L. Leva, A. Car, I. A. Dinu, W. Yave, W. Meier, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2021.

Giant Polymer Compartments for Confined Reactions
E. C. dos Santos, A. Angelini, D. Hürlimann, W. Meier, & C. G. Palivan, Chemistry, 2020.

pH-Triggered membrane in Pervaporation Process
Angelini, A.; Fodor, C.; Yave, W.; Car A.; Meier W.; ACS Omega 2018.